03. Ready to Graduate?


Congratulations on completing the Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program! To get started with the final steps, you need to make sure that all of your projects have met specifications.

The following projects are required for graduation:

  • Finding Lane Lines on the Road
  • Traffic Sign Classifier
  • Behavioral Cloning
  • Advanced Lane Finding
  • Extended Kalman Filters
  • Kidnapped Vehicle
  • Path Planning Project
  • PID Controller
  • A submission of the Programming a Real Self-Driving Car

Let Us Know You're Ready to Graduate

Once all your projects have met specifications, please send an email to:


with your:

  • Email address (the one you use for Udacity.com)

Please allow at least one business day for the Graduation Team to process your graduation request.

Identify Verification

Once we've received your email, we will send you a link to verify your identity.

For the identification process you will need a valid ID (i.e. Driver's License, government issued ID, or Passport) and access to a webcam or digital scanner. For a full list of supported countries and IDs please be sure check here . If you do not see your country or ID type on this list please contact support@udacity.com.

Final Survey

Almost done! After you've verified your identity, you will also need to complete a final survey. This is an opportunity to reflect back on all the things you have learned and prepare for the next stage in your career.

Thank You

We are so proud of you! Graduating from the Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program demands an impressive array of skills, and an outstanding commitment to becoming a self-driving car engineer.

As you go out into the world, we hope that what you have learned here contributes to your success. We especially hope that one day, maybe sooner or maybe later, you are in a position to mentor or hire or otherwise help future Udacity students grow in their own careers.

Thank you so much for taking this journey with us :-)